Why Sewer Backups Are Not Good

Most people avoid anything sewer related because it’s a hassle. But when you have to deal with a sewer problem at home, you have to do it on the dot. These problems compound over a short time. In particular, are sewer backups. You need to get sewer repair in Gahanna,OH right away.

Sewer Pro provides sewer repair services and has dealt with sewer backups over the years. They’ve identified the common causes and know how to deal with them.

Sewer back ups and things to watch out for

Sewer backups are bad and carry back wastewater to your property. The wastewater already has tons of bacteria and toxic substances. Plus it smells awful.

You can avoid unwanted liquid wastes making a return trip to you by regular maintenance. Sewer pipe line repair is a must once you experience leaks and bad odor caused by neglect.

  • Clogging – Your usage of sinks, drains, and plumbing will affect your sewage pipes. Oily sludge and small items washed away can build up and block pipes leading to your sewer. Underground tree roots can also enter pipes and block them from below.
  • Damaged Pipes – Wastewater can’t go to the end of the sewer when the plumbing is damaged. This can stall or pool wastewater until it builds up and backs up. Standing wastewater is already a health hazard and will provide bacteria and stench until resolved. Replace sewer line immediately.
  • Sewer Overload – Some sewers are not equipped for heavy wastewater capacity. These sewers will back up when there is too much wastewater or heavy rains enter them. It can be too full to pass all of the water and lead to backing up. You may need sewer line replacement.

Sewers go one way only, and that’s toward the exit. If you experience sewer backups, it means damage or clogging along the way out. Please don’t wait any longer because sewer problems will get worse by the day. Local repairmen Sewer Pro can help you stop the sewage. Call us today.


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Sewer Pro is a company backed by an experienced team that routinely meets and exceeds the expectations of residential, commercial, and municipal clients. You'll find that our rates are reasonable and our staff is friendly and knowledgeable. Call us today or fill out our form to schedule an appointment.
